2016 Mercedes Benz GLC Class
IAAI Lot: 0-36459814 VIN:
Final bid: ---
- Vin: WDC0G4KB9GF081616
- Auction: IAAI
- Lot number: 0-36459814
- Start Code: Run and Drive
- Damage: Right side
- Mileage: 62242
- Date of sale: Mon 29 May, 2023
- Location: York Springs (PA)
- Year: 2016
Vehicle Auction by VIN: WDC0G4KB9GF081616
Bid for 2016 Mercedes Benz GLC Class at IAAI Auction
Bid on this 2016 Mercedes Benz GLC Class vehicle at the ongoing IAAI auction. It’s tagged with lot number 0-36459814 and the bidding closes by Mon 29 May, 2023, situated in the United States.
Key highlights of lot 0-36459814, located at the York Springs (PA) branch:
- VIN Sales History: WDC0G4KB9GF081616
- Vehicle Condition: Run and Drive
- Vehicle Damages: Right side
- Vehicle Mileage: 62242
- Vehicle Seller: [seller]
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